Taliban hits Afghan capital, other cities in rare coordinated attack

Taliban hits Afghan capital, other cities in rare coordinated attack

KABUL-- Insurgents attacked cities across eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, including at least two prominent targets in Kabul, in a rare coordinated attack spanning some of the country’s most important urban centers. The Taliban called the effort the beginning of their spring offensive. By early afternoon, insurgents were still firing rocket-propelled grenades and rifles from an unfinished commercial building in central Kabul. From their perch, at least four men fired in the direction of the German embassy and NATO’s military headquarters, both of which were just a few hundred yards from the attackers. Less than an hour after the attack began, Afghan commandos and their NATO trainers entered the building. There were two large blast holes visible in the facade of the Kabul Star Hotel, frequented by westerners and wealthy Afghans, located just across the street from where the insurgents were firing.
A few miles away, another group of insurgents occupied a building across from the Afghan parliament, firing at the building.
“Armed insurgents, including some suicide bombers, have taken control of buildings in these areas,” said Sediq Sediqi, an Interior Ministry spokesman.
Attackers also targeted a NATO base in Jalalabad as well as Afghan installations in the capitals of Logar and Paktia provinces, according to officials.
“The attackers occupied a building opposite a university in the city of Gardez and were firing at various directions, including government buildings,” said Rohullah Samoon, a spokesman for the governor of Paktia.
At least two insurgents were killed in Kabul, officials said, but gunfire was ongoing three hours after the attack began.
“This is a message that our spring offensive has begun,” said Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid, who said the primary targets were western military and diplomatic installations.
While the Taliban has successfully executed spectacular attacks in Kabul before — including the protracted attack on the U.S. embassy in September — insurgents have never attacked so many disparate targets simultaneously.
An armed Afghan police officer takes his position
Tags: Taliban Attack on Afghanistan, Taliban hit Afghan Capital, Bomb Blast In Afghanistan, Watch Live War Between Afghanistan And Taliban. Bomb Blast Videos, Bomb Blast Kill $ Afghan Police man, Afghanistan is Under Attack.